RANT MODE ACTIVATED The students that had gathered just outside the class where we were having our lecture had done so prematurely. An entire thirty minutes before our class was to end, why?! It is fine, you can gather, but at least can you tone down on all the noise? I mean, come on! So our lecturer had to close us fifteen minutes early. The very moment they saw us packing our things, they rushed into the classroom. I was sitting quite close to the door. I put my book into my bag, lifted my face and guess where it landed? Yes, you guessed right! Right in between some lady's boobs! She was trying to put her bag on the seat next to mine and was waiting for me to vamoose my seat. Meaning, she had booked the seat for a friend (who was not there at the moment) with her bag and was going to take mine for herself. Typical! So yes poor me! I HAVE BEEN BOOBED! Anyway, her sorrys did nothing to stop my mind from immediately starting to formulate a blog post in my head base...