INTRAPERSONAL 7 The pain of what had struck was phenomenal. “I will make this right.” She had to shut it out but it just came pouring. His touch, his voice… It could not have all been a lie. She could feel him give his all to her. He could not have faked it all. His tenderness, his love making… “STOP!” Victoria screamed. “I love you.” That was it for Victoria. She gathered up whatever dignity she had left. The truth was there was none left. So she held on to the phantom dignity she had left, all the while replaying the night before in her head. *** He had carried her in his arms and walked into his car because Victoria’s body was still heaving with sobs. They sat together in the back whilst the two men took the front seat and drove them off into the night. He murmured sweet nothings into her head all the way. The smell of him had filled the car intoxicating her senses even more. In the car they had started kissing; mouth, tongue and heart....