INTRAPERSONAL-2 Rony Brown It is not that she made no plans. Victoria was not the kind that could spend half a day without writing out every minute she would spend down. So yes, she made and had lots of plans. But there is a difference in making plans or even having them and actually executing them. Victoria was almost a week into her leave and had settled comfortably into an unhealthy routine. This mainly consisted of sleeping ( nothing unhealthy about that ), eating (mostly raw sausages and bread if she could get her hands on some without stepping her foot out of her hospital-given accommodation and of course loads and loads of soft drinks.), watching nine or more seasons of movies and yes, an occasional fuck ( occasional meaning every other night ). Well, when need be, she forced herself into the bathroom to suffer the pains of bathing. It was six pm and she was about throwing herself in the throes of passion with some guy. She giggled chil...