INTRAPERSONAL Rony Brown Episode four Victoria’s eyes were fixed to the ceiling. It had been so for the past hour or two; so had been for the past night or two. She was deep in thought about so many things. But just one reared its ugly head and over shadowed the rest. Only one thought could overshadow the strain her visit was putting on her sister’s marriage. Only one thought could over shadow the immense silence that echoed in a big house with four able people. Only one could overshadow her guilt of professional incompetency. One thought throbbed on her insides. In another moment she heard a knock on her door. She dragged herself out of her bed. “Bee, I am not in the mood.” Vic said as she opened the door. The face that met her bored gaze drew an involuntary gasp out of her. “What do you want?” Somehow she found her inner bitch and drew on the mask. Eric just shoved her out of the way and entered her room. He stared at h...