It has been a while since you had to explain yourself, fight for what you believe in and stand for what is right. These few days, months or years have been quiet, uneventful and nothing happened to turn your world upside down... but not these few moments. Everything in you is being put to the test. You used to think you were patient but at the very least provocation you snap back. Where is your sure footing? Where is the calm and grace with which you held yourself all that while. You were sure of it then; that you were grace personified, the light at the end of people's dark tunnels, and that you had the strength to carry the whole world on your shoulders. Now that it is too dark for you to know your way forward, now that you do not have enough strength to even get yourself up... it is now that you will truly taste what you are made of. Faced with two options, to quit or to forge ahead into the bleak tomorrow, you realise that real life is different from that which is...