How many times have tomorrow turned into never. Publish a new book tomorrow turned into maybe next year. And go on a trip turned into when I have enough money. So many times we have waited for the circumstances to be perfect or at least close enough to perfect to do something. Some get that opportunity. But for many others, waiting for perfect circumstances means waiting forever. So if they won't give you what you deserve and what you have clearly earned, then it may just be time to go get it. I am going to publish my first book with zero cedis in my pocket because that is just the kind of person I am. I will go on that life changing trip with just a few hundred dollars in my account. I will do it now even though my circumstances are not so favourable. And despite the odds that are stacked against me I will overcome because I am made of much more that my mind can fathom. And so are you. You are so much more. Carpe diem folks.