THE FACE OF A SLEEPING KING-6 She woke when the sun had well risen in a room that had its atmosphere very charged. It was very large and at one end her frail and pale mother hovered with the missionary. At the other end, the king hovered with Nana Akua Danquah bent over a cook stove. Was the great Nana Akua Danquah cooking for her? As she stirred both her mother and the king started at her at the same time. Her mother stopped to allowed the king approach her daughter first. “Bring me her food.” She instructed Nana Akua. The fair lady turned red while the king shifted his protective gaze on Yaba’s face. He held her face in his hands. The princess reflexively steeled herself. She reminded herself to work on that. “Sit up. No woman of mine is faint hearted.” He said as he scooped a spoonful of soup and blew over it. “For good health.” He put it to her lips. “You must have bewitched me. Even feeding you makes me desire you.” The women in the room blanched. Catching t...