THE FACE OF A SLEEPING KING-2 “How is she doing?” A voice as gentle as a healer’s asked. “She was cut up pretty bad when we found her, what do you expect?” This one was harsh, familiar… ***Darkness*** She loved the darkness. Her father was in the darkness. He beckoned her to come with him. He played her favourite tune on his flute and there in the darkness she danced on and on; with every step bringing her closer to her father. ***Semi-consciousness*** She was on fire now. Yet she shivered as though she had been left in the rain and was drowning in it. “Hurry with the water, this one is too warm.” The harsh yet familiar voice yelled. The voice quivered as though it was trying to choke down on tears; trying to get a hold on its command although it was quickly slipping. Ma! “O my child!” the princess’s call must have escaped her lips. “Don’t leave me. I will die.” The strongest dam broke through human determination to never let a tear fall a...