
Showing posts from July 19, 2015

The end as it came-1

THE END AS IT CAME Rony Brown Episode one                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I was always certain that the day that I would die, I’d be surrounded by a myriad of family members; they’d be holding my hands and singing a familiar tune till my EKG flat-lined. Maybe that will be in my next life, if there be a next life, because lying right here on the co

The murder cabinet-1

THE MURDER CABINET Rony Brown Episode one-Who killed Freda? I always hate it when they put me on such cases. It reminds me of my empty apartment, the right side of my bed that is always cold in the morning and opportunities I let pass me by. Then again the Detective Chief Superintendent doesn’t like me much. And anything that could cause me the slightest misery is her greatest pleasure. But this case was the last straw! And I am definitely not going to be the camel whose back broke. I always take the tough criminal cases. But this… She can only be at most eighteen. She lies naked in a pool of blood; her own blood. She has one dried up tear staining her cheek. Despite the gory nature of the crime scene, her face is not carved into a look of horror. She looks like one who died peacefully in a dreamy sleep. I suddenly feel sick in my stomach. Strange; crime scenes do not usually rattle me. Argh, I hate campus murders! Although they are rare, they always take longest to
                                  THE PASS-UP                                         Rony Brown                            Episode one- DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE   Take a moment; imagine a world where you could pick a club and smash anybody’s head for any reason, say, you just don’t like the person. What if I told you that world exists and that this world is mine? Well let’s do away with the “What ifs” because it is a reality; my reality. Fine, I have smashed a head or two. But I tell you, I’m better. Some people are on their fiftieth head and smashing. Something definitely has to change. And change is definitely coming! I am a native of SIIT which stands for “Solum Inferno in Terra” and it means the only hell on earth. We Siitians occupy the fifth and last dimension on this planet earth. And talking about change has landed me the day job of the king’s jester. After all, change has not occurred in how many years? NEVER! So I earn a living entertaining the high class i