The end as it came-2

THE END AS IT CAME Rony Brown Episode Two I scurried behind the counter with every fiber of my being trembling. “You!” His voice was right over my head. Why me? I dared to peek and my eyes met the dark eyes of the robber. His gun, unwavering, was right over my head. I quickly snap out of my reverie when he gives me a sharp and unforgiving kick in my gut. “Please,” I beg, “I don’t know anything.” “Shut up.” He cocks his gun. “You better get up now before I blow your head off.” I can feel something stirring in my chest. Rebellion? Anger? It does not stop the trembling but it makes me bold. I scramble to my feet and get a good look at the face of the person that is probably going to take my life. He is a fine man. Even with his scruffy look and a week old beard, I can tell in another life he would have made a fine doctor or something of the sorts. And looking into his dark eyes and at his strong jaw I can tell this is an honest man pu...