PART TWO- BRIGHT FUTURE “You see what I did just there?” He calmly said over Amina’s screams. “That is the least of all the things I could do to you. You will find that I take more pleasure in breaking those who think they are unbreakable.” Amina looked into Isaac’s eyes, hers red, his clear. She was almost as tall as he was and as she looked into his eyes, she dared him to do as he had done to her sister to her. But instead Isaac eyes moved unto his goons. They immediately let her go. When they did, she quickly rushed to her sister’s side. She peeled the last man who was having his fun with her off of her sister and slapped him. The guy made to punch her in the face. “Don’t you dare, Pious.” Isaac’s cool voice immediately had his goon retreating from Amina. She knelt by her sister. Blood had just began pooling. Amina clutched her lips to stifle a cry. She shook Fati but she was not responding to her call. Her eyes were closed shut, tears staining her inn...