To me this is the basis of investment. Many have put money in the bank and have watched the money grow to the extent that they could build businesses (Say a hostel/hotel business) and retire on the monthly or yearly cash that they get from those businesses. It may have taken a day for them to put that money in the bank. It may have been painful to do that. Maybe they could have bought a car with it or planned for an elaborate wedding. Instead they put the money (seed) somewhere(dirt), it matured(grew), and started to pay off (bear fruits). You sow a good seed you reap good fruits. You sow a bad seed you reap bad fruits. That habit of laziness you are sowing in your youthful days can reap fruits of poverty for you in days to come. Note that hardwork is not always physical exertion. Mental exertion is very important in bearing fruits. What do you have to sow? What do you have to bury in the ground and see it die a painful and sometimes slow death only to burst forth from...