TRAFFICKED PART THREE- FUTURE BLEAK That morning they said their goodbyes. No tears had been necessary, not when the future in sight was so bright. And indeed the future lived up to expectation, for like six hours, then it was not so bright. On their way to Tamale, he had stopped at a restaurant were they were stuffed up with all that they could eat and more. Ice cream had been packaged after their meal and they continued their merry journey oblivious to the fast changing scenes behind their tainted windows. They had been too sated to be concerned when at a police check point, he called them his sisters and slipped a big wad of cash to the police officer who had stopped them. The journey had been long and torturous but mile after mile their little town, Pusiga, was left behind and onward they journeyed to their new fate in Tamale. “Welcome to your new home. For now.” Isaac had said when he finally parked his car in front of a large but mostly dilapidate...