TRAFFICKED- FINALE There were times that she had to remind herself to breathe. It could all become overwhelming sometimes. Amina had just ended a call with the minister for gender, child and social welfare. The ministry had recently collaborated with her foundation to bring down yet another trafficking ring in Ghana. The last time she had heard of such good news was ten years ago. Yes, that long ago! But seeing the children liberated from the jaws of wicked people was worth the wait for her. Ten years ago, escaping from that hell hole led her from one blessing to another. When she escaped, she was able to bring down the whole trafficking shebang with the help of Isaac whose effort was crucial in exposing all the top players in their warped game. Another blessing which was so unexpected was that her sister was alive! After making the news worldwide, she was approached by Fati and a kind benefactor. By then she Isaac had suddenly vanishe...