THE FACE OF A SLEEPING KING-4 The princess did not sleep a wink that evening. Not because of the insects that plagued her, not because she was chained and exposed to the elements and definitely not because her back was scourged with whips but because she had failed. She had failed because of a moment’s hesitation. Her mind tortured her with the scenes of the night before. It took her straight back to the room and her heart jarred. It jarred because all her mind could think about was how intimate the setting was; the dim light, the huge mat covered with soft clothes and the massive king; dressed down and vulnerable. As though her failure was not enough, she dared to think about him that way! She whimpered. What kind of a foolish creature was she? Why would she… How could she… Her mind, almost as a response to her desperation, took her through how the king was much enraged and how much he spewed death and destruction when he had gathered his warriors in the b...